Assignment 1 - Orientation to the Workshop

  1. Obtain a new Alcoholics Anonymous book, 4th Edition (unless your current 4th Edition book has no writing/highlighting: then it’s OK!)

  2. Create and pray a “Set Aside Prayer”
    a) As part of your daily morning prayer and meditation practice, and

    b) Every time before you begin doing any part of the workshop assignments.

    Example of a “Set Aside Prayer”

    God, please set aside everything I think I know about myself, my dis-ease, my spiritual path and You,
    for an open mind and a new experience of myself, my dis-ease, my spiritual path and especially You.
  3. LISTEN to:
    Orientation to the Workshop CLICK HERE

Assignment 2 - Spiritual Awakening (Step 12)

  1. Start reading and highlighting your BIG BOOKS.  We start from the very first title page and keep reading up to page XXIV (not including “The Doctor’s Opinion“). Consider these four questions as you read, but do NOT answer. WE WILL BE REVIEWING THIS IN WEEK 5.

    i. Is this Twelve Step process what I really want to do at this time in my journey?
    ii. Why do I want to submit to this process at this time?
    iii. At this time am I willing to go to any lengths? What does this mean?
    iv. In what areas of my life am I being dishonest with myself and others.

    Gentle reminder: Reading two pages a day is enough!  Please don’t worry about doing it all at once. AND we always highlight when we are studying the Big Book.

  2. Please read and highlight the Appendix II. Consider terms: “Spiritual Experience”/”Spiritual Awakening”/”Unsuspected Inner Resource”

  3. Look up the words: “Anonymous”, “Recovered”, “Meditation”, “Prayer”, “Contemplation”

  4. Listen to:
    02. Introduction to Spiritual Awakening CLICK HERE


  1. To prepare for next week (if you have time) listen to this topic OUR WAY OF LIFE:
       Watch on YouTube – Our Way Of Living – In the Light (Steps Ten, Eleven and Twelve)

Assignment 3 - Way Of Life - Part 2 (Step 11)

  1. Read and highlight Big Book instructions on Step Eleven Prayer and Meditation – pages 85-88

  2. Review WOL-BBW pages 4-7. Consider this “My behavior tells me what I believe.” Am I taking time in the morning, evening and all day long? What does that look like?

  3. LISTEN to this workshop with James Finley and Herb K if you have time
    YouTube – Meditation & Intentional Consciousness with James Finley PhD

Assignment 4 - Our Way Of Life - Part 2 (Step 10)

  1. Read and highlight the Big Book instructions on Step Ten – pages 84-85. 

  2. Look up the word “reprieve” in a dictionary (“we have a daily reprieve”). 

  3. Consider the terms “not cured” and “spot check inventory”. Write out definitions.

  4. LISTEN to:
     04. Introduction to Daily Inventory CLICK HERE


     YouTube – Emotional Sobriety (Part 1)

Assignment 5 - History / Review

  1. LISTEN to Joe and Charlie “12 Step Solution (CLICK HERE)

  2. Review “AA History” from YouTube (CLICK HERE)

  3. Review WOL-BBW2024 page 9 – HISTORY of Alcoholics Anonymous

  4. Review Assignment 2, Question 1. Have you been reading the Big Book and considering the 4 reflection questions? If not, it is time to start. Read up to the Doctors Opinion.

Assignment 6 - Introducing the Work

This workshop introduces extended column work – “what is it?”, “how can it help?” and maybe, “what have I been missing?”. The aim this week was to inspire us all… to remind us of what is possible… the hope of transformation.

  1. LISTEN to this weeks workshop recordings (find below).

    Week 6 – Introducing Column Work

    Part 1 – Resentment with a PARENT (CLICK HERE)
    Part 2 – Resentment with a PARTNER (CLICK HERE)
    Part 3 – Participant Discussion (CLICK HERE)

  2. Start reading and highlighting “The Doctor’s Opinion” (xxv-xxxii) in the Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous. Ask yourself the question “What is wrong with my body?”

Assignment 7 - Step 1 - Body / Craving

  1. Read and highlight “The Doctor’s Opinion” (xxv-xxxii) in the Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous. Ask yourself the question “What is wrong with my body?”

  2. Using a dictionary look up and write out the definitions for: “allergy”, “phenomenon”, “craving” and “addiction”

  3. What does Dr. Silkworth mean by “craving”?

  4. PROCESS ADDICTION – persistent, repeated behaviors that we continue to engage with despite the negative impacts on our health, home and community life. Some examples are: Internet, Shopping, Gambling, Food, Exercise, Love, Sex, Porn, Phone, Media, Gaming. DISCUSS

  5. SUBSTANCE ADDICTION – persistent and intense urge to use a substance, despite substantial harm and other negative consequences. Some examples are: Alcohol, Drugs (legal or illegal), Nicotine, Food and many more. DISCUSS

  6. “Phenomenon of Craving” (POC) occurs AFTER we have been exposed to our substance/process addiction. What are some of the signs and symptoms that you may be in “POC”?

  7. Reflect on the image of a boat (the substance or process), and the wake (our Phenomenon of Craving). The wake is a period of time where our waters are quite turbulent (irritable, restless and discontent). Lean into the HOPE of those calm waters (our sense of ease and comfort) …. neutrality. Remember the ‘wake’ WILL pass. DISCUSS 


  1. If you have time LISTEN to:
    08. Step 1 – The Body 1/4 (CLICK HERE)
    09. Step 1 – The Body 2/4 (CLICK HERE)

    10. Step 1 – The Body 3/4 (CLICK HERE)

    11. Step 1 – The Body 4/4 (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 8 - Step 1 - Body / No Choice

  1. Read “Bill’s Story” pages 1 – 8 (NOTE: do not read pages 9 – 16 yet). Look for identification: how Bill thought, felt, drank and behaved.

  2. Read pages 17 – 23 “There Is a Solution”, and look for the ALLERGY OF THE BODY. DISCUSS

  3. Introducing the Welcoming Prayer (see below) – Consider.


  1. If you have time LISTEN to:
    STEP ONE – No Choice (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 9 - Step 1 - Body / Autobiography

  1. Complete the “BODY” worksheet from WOL-BBW page 16. Remember to focus on the physical reactions that occur AFTER we engage in a substance or process addiction (food, alcohol, control, worry, shopping etc.)

  2. I notice some of the following reactions AFTER I engage in a substance or process addiction: shaky hands, racing heart, speaking quickly, agitation, hyper focus, irritable, unable to make eye contact, restlessness, discontent, sudden overwhelming negative-self thoughts. CONSIDER

  3. In the workshop this week, we discuss and complete a Step One Autobiography. This is the beginning of our inventory work. Consider getting a “locked box” to keep your step work private and secure.


  1. If you have time LISTEN to :

    STEP ONE: “Body” worksheet / Discussion (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 10 - Step 1 - The Mind / Obsession

  1. Using a dictionary look up and write out definitions for: “delusion”, “Illusion”, “obsession”, and “insanity”.

  2. Consider pages 23 to 35 in the Big Book. What is meant by the term “OBSESSION”?

  3. Consider pages 35 to 43 in the Big Book. What is meant by those “STRANGE MENTAL BLANK SPOTS”?

  4. Complete the “Mind” worksheet from the WOL-BBW (p. 17).


  1. If you have time LISTEN to :

    12. Step 1 – The Mind 1/5 CLICK HERE
    13. Step 1 – The Mind 2/5 CLICK HERE

Assignment 11 - Step 1 - The Will / Unmanageability

  1. Read and highlight pages 44 – 45 of the Big Book. We read up to the end of the 2nd sentence in the 2nd full paragraph that ends with “… will solve your problem”. What is meant by the phrase “Lack of Power”? DISCUSS

  2. Read and highlight page 52 of the Big Book, the 2nd full paragraph beginning with “We had to ask ourselves …” and ending with “Of course it was …”. This is the behavioral description of UNMANAGEABILITY. What could those “bedevilments” be in my life today? DISCUSS

  3. Complete the “Will” worksheet from BBW-WOL2024. 


  1. If you have time LISTEN to :

    17. Step 1 – The Will 1/3 CLICK HERE

    18. Step 1 – The Will 2/3 CLICK HERE 

  2. LISTEN/WATCH on YouTube: A Design For Living CLICK HERE

Assignment 12 - Step 1 - The Will / The Spiritual Malady

  1. Read and highlight from pages 60 to 62 in the Big Book, from the last full paragraph on page 60 (begins “The first requirement …” ends on page 62: “We had to have God’s help.”). This describes the actual nature of the spiritual malady.

  2. Reread the “bedevilment” paragraph on page 52 out loud, substituting the words “I”, “me” and “my” and using the present tense, for example: “I have to ask myself …” Pause and ask yourself for each item: “Is this my experience?”; “Is this how I feel?” – “TODAY?”

  3. Beginning with the last paragraph on page 60, turn the following sentence into a question: “The first requirement is that we are convinced that any life run on self-will can hardly be a success.” Am I convinced? Reflect. 


  1. If you have time LISTEN to :

    19. Step 1 – The Will 3/3 (CLICK HERE)

  2. Look up and write out definitions for: 

















Assignment 13 - STEP 2 - DECISION about CONCEPT

  1. Ask yourself and write the answer: “What do I believe about God?” NOT asking about what you think you know, feel, want, or that you have been told. “What do you BELIEVE – right now?”

  2. Read Chapter 4 (We Agnostics p.44-57) and highlight anything that stands out to you for any reason.  

  3. Re-read and highlight Chapter 4, with a different color. This time highlight and mark the phrases that you disagree with, have resistance to, doubt, or have any negative connections with. 


  1. If you have time LISTEN to: 

    20. Step 2 – Belief (CLICK HERE)

    21. Step 2 – Doubt (CLICK HERE)

  2. Re-read and highlight Spiritual Awakening, Appendix 11, pages 567-568 (again!). 

  3. Look up and write out definitions for: 







Assignment 14 - STEP 2 - CHOICE of CONCEPT

  1. Re-read and highlight Chapter 4 in a different color (for the third and last time!). This time highlight phrases and words that you can embrace, that you appreciate, that you resonate with – especially looking at the synonyms for God, for example, “Power”, “New Land”, “Broad Highway”, etc. 

  2. Choose the attributes or qualities (for example: power, caring) you NEED/want God to be/have. Write out your CHOICE of CONCEPT for POWER. Begin to act as if it is real! 

  3. In assignment 13, we asked ‘what do I believe?’. Now consider “what is my behavior telling me about my beliefs?” DISCUSS

  4. On pages 62-63, Bill Wilson suggests five relationships – can you find them? 

  5. Name your Relationship: Find a word or phrase for a relationship with Power that your heart yearns for (bearing in mind that you can always change it later!). For example, Divine Architect, Healer, Teacher, Coach, Support, etc. Make the relationship personal to you, connected to the desired attributes for a Higher Power that you described in your Step Two writings. Consider also, does it have an element of power, of caring, and of goodness.


  1. If you have time listen:

    22. Step 2 – A Decision About (CLICH HERE)

    23. Step 2 – My Concept (CLICK HERE)

  2. Read and highlight the balance of Bill’s Story (pages 9-16) in the Big Book. What would a “Spiritual Awakening” look like for Bill in the story?

  3. Look up and write out definitions for: 







Assignment 15 - STEP 3 - DECISION for CONCEPT

  1. Read and highlight pages 58 to 63 in the Big Book in preparation for Step Three decision.

  2. Reflect on the Step Three promises found in the first paragraph on page 63 beginning “When we sincerely …”


    Steps 2 and 3 – “We Agnostics” – A Choice and a Decision (CLICK HERE)

    Path to freedom Step 3 – “Decision for a Relationship“ (CLICK HERE)


  1. Look up and write out definitions for:






Assignment 16 - STEP 4 - Beginning INVENTORY WORK

  1. Begin with COLUMN ONE. This is where you identify the source of your irritation. Think about people, situations, institutions or principles that trigger frustration, physical irritably, emotional distress, pain, etc. Write them down one at a time. List them one after the other. This should be done vertically until you have finished all that you can think of (for now).

  2. Move on to COLUMN TWO. Refer back to your column one list, and ask “why am I angry”. Consider all the reasons you are annoyed when thinking about this person, place or thing. List a maximum of the three most disturbing examples for each column one person. Then continue down the line.

  3. To prepare for Column 3 and 4 work, print out 10-20 copies of “Introducing EXTENDED COLUMN WORKS” (CLICK HERE)


  1. Write out your own Step Three prayer based on the actual prayer on page 63.

  2. Look up and write out definitions for: 






Assignment 17 - STEP 4 - Obstacles to the Relationship (Col 1 & 2 – BB p.65)

  1. Read and highlight the balance of page 63 to 65 in the Big Book.  

    NOTE: A resentment is an anger that is felt over and over.  It is NOT the memory of an anger.  If today you are still angry (annoyed, irritated) at something from your past – it is resentment.

  2. LISTEN to:

    Podcast #28. Step 4 – Column 1 (CLICK HERE)

  3. Now we start to focus in on our more disturbing resentments. See page 23 of the WOL-BBW. In the table list a total of TEN people, institutions, and/or principles. Consider putting yourself on there as well. Consider the people you are in most frequent contact with: family, co-workers, friends, neighbors, etc.

  4. Consider creating a prayer in your own words for each of your 10 resentments. For example: “Save me from anger” / ”Show me patience and tolerance” / ”Help me to see the truth”. If you find yourself disturbed begin practicing the “Prayer for Deep Resentment” / “Sick-mans Prayer” (BBW-WOL2024, p.28).  

  5. LISTEN to:

    Podcast #29. Step 4 – Column 2 (CLICK HERE)

  6. Now look at each name on your list and ask “why you are angry?“ (column 2). See page 24 (BBW-WOL).

    NOTE: Keep it brief and simple! See the example below. Use BB page 65 as a model.

         Person 1:

         A.  She is bullying me at work

         B.  She doesn’t deserve her job

         C.  She is the reason I had to quit


  1. Look up and write out definitions for: 





  2. If you have time LISTEN/WATCH:

Assignment 18 – STEP 4 (Col 3) - Exploring Beliefs

  1. Consider again pages 63 to 66 in the Big Book. Review the 3 columns described there.

    NOTE: A resentment is an anger that is felt over and over. It is NOT the memory of an anger. If today you are still angry (annoyed, irritated) at something from your past – it is resentment.

  2. LISTEN to:

    Podcast #30. Step 4 – Column 3: Self Esteem and Pride (1/4) (CLICK HERE)

  3. Have a go at writing AT LEAST 3 of your Column 3s …. only looking at question 1 (self esteem) and 2 (pride).

    REMINDER: There is a worked example in the WOL-BBW Appendix (page 59).


  1. If you have time LISTEN/WATCH:

    YouTube – Exploring Emotional Sobriety: Allen Berger and Herb K (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 19 – STEP 4 (Col 3) - Prayer for Deep Resentment

  1. CONSIDER pages 66/67 in the Big Book. Can you see the “Sick Man’s Prayer”? We sometimes call this the “Prayer for Deep Resentments”. (See WOL for example)

  2. Look at your list of resentments (Column 1). CONSIDER are any of them deep resentments? Are you ready to be free of them?

  3. Each day CONSIDER saying a Prayer for Deep Resentment. We say it once for each of the column 1 items that are deep resentments (if you have 8 deep resentments then you do 8 prayers for the removal of deep resentments)

  4. It is sometimes suggested that we do these prayers on our knees. We do this to get our full attention each morning until we know in our inner most being that the resentment has been removed. Eventually you will feel the shifting of a resentment – one by one the feeling of resentment will lessen or be removed. (It may take many months for the first resentment to be lifted. This is the work of the Steps. It takes time)

  5. Go through all your Column 3’s and complete ALL the question 1 ‘s (Self-Esteem) and question 2’s (Pride).

  6. LISTEN to:

    Podcast #31. Step 4 – Column 3 (2/4) & Deep Resentment (CLICK HERE)

    Podcast #32. Step 4 – Column 3 (3/4) (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 20 – STEP 4 (Col 4) - Introducing Column 4

  1. Read and highlight the column 4 paragraph from page 67 of the Big Book, “Refering to our list again….”

  2. Review the Column 4 worksheet questions and the appendix worked example – see BBW-WOL2024.

  3. LISTEN to:

    Podcast #33. Step 4 – Column 3 (4/4) (CLICK HERE)

    Podcast # Step 4 – Column 4 (1/2) (CLICK HERE)

  4. Complete one Column 4 worksheet. 

  5. Consider where you are responsible?  Consider why you might be hanging on to this resentment and what you might be getting out of holding on to it.  This is not about self-blame or self-loathing which some of us will want to hold on to. It is about accepting reality as it is.  “What is the LOVING thing to do here?”

Assignment 21 - STEP 4 - Continue Column 4

  1. Continue with your resentment worksheets – columns 3 and 4.

  2. Practice this week writing up a resentment against self.
    For example:
    Column 1 “I resent myself”,
    Column 2 “for giving money to my son.”

Assignment 22 - STEP 4 - Introducing Fear Inventory

  1. 1. Read and highlight: starting from page 67. Start reading at “Notice that the word fear…” and stop reading when you get to page 68 “Now about sex…”.

    CONCRETE FEAR: fear of lack of money, or fear of being fired, fear of being homeless.

    PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR: fear of looking awkward, fear of powerful people, fear of being abandoned.

    2. Review your 3rd/4th column worksheets. Write a list of every fear you have noticed. Note when the same fear comes up again and again.

    3. Take one of your fears and write out a FEAR TRAIN. See BBW-WOL2024 Appendix for examples of how to do a Fear Train.

    4. LISTEN to:

    YouTube – 30. Step Four: Fear Inventory / Discussion (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 23 – STEP 4 - Fear Inventory

  1. Continue with your fear trains. Take each fear you have listed in your Column work and write out a FEAR TRAIN for each oneRemember: These do not take long each to write – just a few minutes!

  2. Complete one FEAR TABLE (see the example in appendix BBW-WOL2024, p.63). We will review it next week!

    NOTE: If you see the behavior of DISHONESTY when you are experiencing fear – then the principle might be COURAGE. Then ask yourself: “What would someone with courage do?” Your answer here becomes a VISION STATEMENT and ACTION PLAN to aspire to (It is the column 5 on the FEAR TABLE).

  3. LISTEN to:

    Podcast #37. Step 4 –  Fear Inventory (1/2) (CLICK HERE)

Assignments 2023

Assignment 21 – Fear - The STORY (Part 2)

  1. Continue with your fear trains. Take each fear you have listed in your Column work and write out a FEAR TRAIN for each one.

    Remember: These do not take long each to write – just a few minutes!

  2. Do a “spontaneous dump” of any other fears that are on your mind. Let them emerge without comment or filter.

  3. Go over your life in brackets of time, looking for any age specific fears.

  4. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:

    Step 4 – Fear Inventory (2/2) CLICK HERE

Assignment 22 - Fear Inventory

  1. Continue to finish your FEAR TRAIN. Do you see a pattern of core fears? See WOL appendix for examples.  Remember – These do not take long to write – just a few minutes!

  2. Complete at least one FEAR TABLE (see the example in appendix WOL). Note: If you see the behaviour of DISHONESTY when you are experiencing fear – then the principle might be COURAGE. Then ask yourself: “What would someone with courage do?” Your answer here becomes a VISION STATEMENT and ACTION PLAN to aspire to (It is the column 5 on the FEAR TABLE).

  3. Consider taking an accountability partner for some of the actions you are highlighting in the column 5 of the FEAR TABLE.

  4. Continue to LISTEN:

    37. Step 4 – Fear Inventory (1/2) CLICK HERE

    36. Step 4 – Fear Inventory (2/2) CLICK HERE

Assignment 23 - Fear - Sex

  1. Read and highlight in the Big Book from the bottom of page 68 “Now about sex…” through to page 70, stopping at “If we have been thorough…”.

  2. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:
    39. Step 4 – Sex Inventory & readings from Big Book (CLICK HERE)

  3. As with other inventories, we make a list. Look over the history of your sexual activities (relationships) (see BBW-WOL p. 34).
    For example: played doctor, flirted with so-and-so; or a pattern you might be noticing like: one-night stands, affairs with married people, or perhaps we noticed we were avoiding healthy opportunities for intimacy. 

Assignment 24 - Sex - Inventory?

  1. Complete the Sex Inventory Worksheet (see appendix in WOL). One worksheet per event.

  2. Collect the answers to your Question 9 on one piece of paper. 

    Now we sit in the Power of that unanswered question – “What should we have done instead?”  OR CONSIDER “Given what I now know…would I do anything differently today?” 

    REMEMBER: I could not do anything differently back then – but now…what would I do now? Consider also, do I see a pattern of behavior?  This will help you to identify your core values. These become part of your SEX IDEAL (our ideals/principles we become willing to live up to).  Consider what may be our CONDITIONED BEHAVIOUR, i.e. the taking on values just because they were our family’s, or our sponsor’s values, maybe values of our culture or religious traditions.

    We are invited to develop our own values by writing out our own SEX IDEAL.  Keep an open mind, using the Set Aside Prayer. We put our SEX IDEAL in the context of responsibility for our own behaviour. Some examples may be consideration of partner’s feelings; integrity; fidelity; respect for myself and my partner; etc.

    JUST A REMINDER: we are not the arbiter of others’ sexual conduct, and the Big Book has no opinion.

  3. Write out your SEX IDEAL.

  4. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:
    39. Step 4 – Sex Inventory & readings from Big Book (CLICK HERE)


  1. If you haven’t read Chapter Four from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions recently, then consider re-reading it now.

Assignment 25 - Dishonesty - Secrets - Shame - Guilt

  1. Read conclusion in Big Book, pages 70 from “If we have been thorough…” to the end of the chapter (page 71).

  2. Consider the purpose of this whole process – to identify and remove (or have removed) the impediments or obstacles to a Relationship with that Power deep down inside us.

  3. Ask yourself where/when you have experienced: Guilt, Shame, Embarrassment, Dishonesty (Stealing), Irresponsibility, Disturbance.

  4. Consider Principles (Values) as expressed in the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Anger, Sloth (see WOL for examples)

  5. Do you have any secrets? Is there any experience, incident, or embarrassment that has not been shared? With which you are still uncomfortable?

  6. After praying the Set Aside Prayer, spend time reflecting (meditating) on each of these items above and write out your thoughts, feelings and memories. Be specific.  It is especially important to be specific about any area/item that you have conscious/intuitive awareness of resistance to disclosure; any area/event/behavior about which you have current discomfort or are currently disturbed. Err on the side of maximizing rather than minimizing. This is about “rigorous honesty” and about being transparent. This is about removing the sludge in us that blocks us from that Power. ASK: How free do you want to be?

  7. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:
    40. Step 4 – Dishonesty, Secrets & readings from Big Book (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 26 - Preparing Step 5

  1. This week continue to gather your inventories.

    a) Resentments – Put these in chronological order (oldest to most recent)

    b) Fear – Collect your Fear Trains / make sure you have completed at least one Fear Table

    c) Sex Conduct – Put your questions 1 – 9 in chronological order (oldest to most recent) / review your Sex Ideal

    d) Secrets – “Carefully reading the first five proposals we ask…” (BB p. 75)

  2. We are moving into Step 5. It is time to make an appointment with your Sponsor / Step Guide / Counsellor

Assignment 27 - Step 5 - Transformation Process

  1. Read and highlight pages 72 to 75 in the Big Book.

  2. It is recommended that we do the Fifth Step in one sitting, preferably face-to-face. It is OK to give part of our story to someone who will understand, for example, a lawyer, a priest, a psychologist, etc.

  3. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:

    41. Step 5 – Pages 72 – 75 from Big Book (CLICK HERE)

    42. Step 5 – Conclusion and preparing for Step 6 and 7 – Pages 75 – 76 from Big Book (CLICK HERE)


  1. Read and highlight Step Five in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

  2. WATCH: Path to Freedom – STEP FIVE, SIX, SEVEN: Transparency / Transformation (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 28 - Step 6 & 7

  1. Read and highlight the first paragraph on page 76 of the Big Book, “If we can answer…”.

  2. Make a list of your character Consider:

    a) your 4th column ( 9)

    b) the FEAR table (column 3)

    c) and your sex Inventory (qu. 8)

  3. Did any other character defects come to your attention, as you were reading through your Fifth Step?

  4. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:

    43. Step 6 & 7 (CLICK HERE)

  5. Read and highlight the second paragraph on page 76 of the Big Book, “When ready, we say…”. This is the Step Seven Prayer.

  6. Consider writing out your own prayer – using your own words, and based on the principles and concepts of the Step Seven Prayer. A prayer in your own words will assist you to understand the prayer in the Big Book.

  7. Take an accountability partner to be saying the Seventh Step Prayer with a specific defect as the focus – do this for a set number of days.


  1. Read and highlight Step Six in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

  2. Read and highlight Step Seven in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

Assignment 29 - Transformation Process - Step 8

  1. Read and highlight Step Eight from page 59 of the Big Book.

  2. Read and highlight from the paragraph after the Step Seven prayer on page 76 of the Big Book to the bottom of page 83, not including the last paragraph.

  3. List each person or institution that you may have harmed. List the name of the person harmed; what you did; the specific harm that you think you have done.  Ask yourself “How did I damage or diminish their quality of life?”  or “What was the negative impact of my behavior on their life?”. 

  4. LISTEN to PODCAST 2020:

    44. Step 8 (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 30 - Step 8 & 9

  1. Review each person or institute on your amends list from last week.  Have you considered the questions “What is the harm?”(HINT: it is usually NOT what I did).  This question often needs Sponsor/Step-Guide direction.

  2. Consider the specific amend you believe will address/repair the harm done; the proportional reparation. Again seek Sponsor / Step-Guide direction here.

  3. Write out an “APPROACH”.  Note: there is a suggested script in the WOL p.67 & 68.

  4. Review your script with your Sponsor/Step-Guide. If they don’t have a specific experience with that type of amends consider seeking an experienced “wise person”.


    Podcast 45. Step 8 (CLICK HERE)

    Podcast 46. Step 9 (CLICK HERE)


  1. Read and highlight Step Nine from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

Assignment 31 - Step 8 & 9

  1. Re-read Big Book pages 76 to 83, identifying examples of specific amends, and also specific suggested attitudes and principles for making amends.

  2. Continue to review your amends “scripts” with an experienced step guide

  3. Pray to be guided in the Step Nine process.

  4. Are you clear on what was the exact HARM? Have you prepared a script? Are you saying a 7th step prayer daily? Have you stopped doing the unhealthy behaviour? Are you clear in your heart on your purpose?

  5. If you are ready, and can answer these CONSIDERATIONS …… it is time to make a BEGINNING. 🙂 Hold yourself accountable to your Sponsor/Step Guide for your progress.

  6. Keep working through your amends one by one until they are ALL done. YOU CAN DO IT. REMEMBER the 4th dimension…rocketed! Your aim here is to repair the damage YOU have done – it is not to relieve your guilt or shame. This is the transformation! You are the change you have been looking for.

  7. Optional – LISTEN:

    Podcast 46. Step 9 (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 32 - Step 9 Forgiveness

  1. Forgiveness is a PROCESS … It is not an EVENT.

    Review pages 43 – 45 in the BBW-WOL. What does forgiveness mean to you? What does it involve? What actions are asked for to forgive?

  2. Look up “forgiveness” and write out the definition. 


    Podcast 47. Step Nine – Forgiveness (CLICK HERE)

    FORGIVENESS: A Decision to Release – Fred Luskin 2021 (CLICK HERE)

Assignment 33 - Our Way of Life (Steps 10, 11 & 12) & Sponsorship

  1. Re-read and highlight pages 84 and 88 from the Big Book. Then outline what it says to do.  A daily program of ACTION.  What are the actions the Big Book is asking us to take?

  2. Re-read the WOL p.55, “Profile of a Sponsor”

  3. What kind of Sponsor am I?

Sponsorship / Step Guide

  1. Read the last two paragraphs on page 18 from the Big Book (“But the ex-problem drinker…”).

  2. Review WOL-BBW “Profile of a Sponsor” (CLICK HERE).

  3. Introducing next week: Accountability Partners, SIGNAL community, study groups & study buddies (CLICK HERE to install Signal in preparation).

  4. Reminder to keep reading your Big Book up to the Doctors Opinion (Assignment 1, Question 1).


    YouTube – Sponsorship / Helping Others – Enlarging Compassion


  1. LISTEN to PODCAST 202:

    05. Introduction to the Big Book 1/3 CLICK HERE

    06. Introduction to the Big Book 2/3 CLICK HERE

    07. Introduction to the Big Book 3/3 CLICK HERE

Continue Sponsorship / Step Guide

  1. Consider taking an accountability partner for 30 days.

  2. Consider trialing workshop tools: SIGNAL outreach community/study groups/study buddy.


    YouTube – BIG BOOK: Title Pages, Preface, Forwards

  4. Review WOL-BBW page 9 – HISTORY of Alcoholics Anonymous