Studying the 12 steps as outlined in the Big Book of AA
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Join us for this journey through RECOVERY. Practical tools for living and WAKING UP to FREEDOM. Begin to live your best life today.
The goal of this process is a TRANSFORMATION – a change in the way we think, feel, and behave.
We fall asleep, every day. Our path here is to wake up – and stay awake!
Wherever you are in your recovery journey – WE WELCOME YOU!
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Meet jo
Jo B has been an active participant in the 12 Step community for over 28 years. She is passionate about helping people have an experience of deep change – a change in the way we THINK, FEEL and BEHAVE. This is the TRANSFORMATION of 12 Step work – simple but not easy! Jo has been facilitating RECOVERY based workshops for many years. Learn how to apply this work to your own life. She hopes you find this website helpful on your journey today!
Jo B. has been working with Herb K. for over 15 years. Next face-to-face retreat in California – June 2024.
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Participant experience

Kate S.
“This workshop has been a wonderful gift to my recovery. It accompanied me for a whole year and gave me the richest, most in-depth experience and understanding of the steps and a new perspective on how recovery and the steps can apply across all areas of my life. I am grateful for the recording, as it allowed me to follow the sessions when work got in the way. Thank you, very much and I look forward to next year!”

Laurie M.
“I found this workshop “accidentally” and was inspired to join as a participant and admin support. After six years of sobriety and numerous times through the steps with a wonderful and diligent local fellowship sponsor, I was still suffering daily. I didn't even realize, truly, how much I was still living in DIS-EASE every damn day! It wasn't fun or easy to admit. I showed up and I did the work and I am grateful to happily reap the rewards. From fear to freedom in a year. Enough said! Live long and prosper!"

Francesca M.
OA / Al-Anon
“At the start of this workshop, I was at the “jumping off place” as described in the big book. I was only able to be abstinent with food for a month at a time, white knuckling and every relapse was worse. I couldn’t stomach the word God. Every day was “day one” of an infernal merry-go-round. I am now somehow (God) peacefully abstinent 24 hours at a time. If it hadn’t happened to me I wouldn’t have believed it. I still hardly believe it. I didn’t attend every workshop, I didn’t always finish the homework and I didn’t always listen to the extra recordings. Somehow (God) I was freely given abstinence. I have a circle of wise women who help me navigate my life. As more is revealed I rest easy knowing that my Higher Power has my first grade picture of me on their fridge and will never leave me to face my perils alone.”

Hana K.
“This workshop changed my life. I have to say I now know much less than I did when I started the work... and I say this with the utmost gratitude. Before embarking on this journey I had a great deal of information, 7 years in recovery and I could not understand why my life was still so miserable. The first thing that happened for me in doing this work, was that I was able to let go of what I thought I knew and exchange that information for transformation. Although this process certainly has provided many answers and a great deal of new insight, the main thing it has left me with are new questions. Those are most precious of all, because they are what allows me to continue to grow. The journey is the destination and my journey continues. Thank you.”

Kathryn M.
“I’m Kath, and I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food all of my life. I was happy to admit I was powerless over my addiction and already believed in a Higher Power. But belief took me nowhere. This 12 step course taught me that I had to surrender and trust God totally to do for me what I had failed to do for myself, and ‘work’ through the steps. (Faith without works is useless!) I haven’t looked back. My whole life has changed, my confidence has grown and, day by day, I have been abstinent. The program and the support have been absolutely amazing, but the best thing of all is the spiritual, physical and emotional healing that I have found - one day at a time.”

Barbara M.
“I am forever grateful that I found this workshop and forever grateful to Joanne for her generosity, patience, kindness and wisdom. My life has been transformed by attending weekly workshops and doing the introspective work. I’ve been around the 12 Steps for over 40 years, and I thought I “got it”. It turns out the wisdom of Bill Wiilson has depths I’ve never before plumbed. With Jo as my step guide, and the support of my cohort, my soul opened wide and I finally allowed the spirit to move me to healthy, needed changes. This was such a gift.”

“Thank you so much for your ministry! This is my first BBW and it is absolutely incredible. I have learned new concepts even beginning with the SET ASIDE prayer…it’s amazing! Thank you Lord! I have grown in leaps and bounds; building on my 12 step work in the past 2 1/2 years and extending my close personal relationship with my God, my Higher Power. And I am ADDICTED to this cleansing! (Of Course, I’m addicted! I am truly being set free by this work. It’s a Miracle, thank you, Lord and Herb and Jo for the sacrifices you make every single day/moment to help us to real freedom. I lift you both of always and every day in my Quiet time; first thing in the morning before daylight.”
who is this workshop for?
Workshops are open to all Fellowships; OA, AA, CoDA, Al-Anon, NA, etc. as well as those who are not in any Fellowship but are seeking a new WAY OF LIFE.
Do I need to be abstinent/sober to attend?
Many of us started this process before receiving the grace of sobriety or abstinence.
We welcome you at any stage in your journey.

what to expect?
– Weekly Meetings
– Assignments and Support
– Learn how to apply the 12 Steps to your Life today
– Study Groups and Community
– Practice “Extended Column Work”
– Facilitated by Jo B, Australia
what you will need
The only thing you need to do this workshop is a “fresh” copy of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (one that does not have any writing or markings in it).

way of life - awakening
… let go of the old stories, they are not helping you! Begin to live your best life today.
Study of Recovery
that all who attend have their cameras turned on and be visible.
If this is not possible, for any reason, please consider dialing in (CLICK HERE) at the cost of a local phonecall.
Please consider supporting this group and the work that we do. Your contribution helps and we are grateful for your generosity! We hope to be helpful to all who want and need to change. We thank you!
Find your PATH. Find your TEACHERS. Build your COMMUNITY.